Puppies in the Garden

Puppies in the Garden

Monique SC

Two things I love, Gardens and Puppies! Who doesn’t right? Here at Hoselink two staff members recently added adorable little puppies to their families, so we thought it’s a great excuse to look at some cute puppy pictures that are guaranteed to bring a smile to your face! In fact, research tells us that looking at pictures of puppies can improve your concentration and focus, so reading this blog post could be very beneficial to the rest of your day and certainly not a waste of time!

This is Toffee, she is our Marketing Manager Michelle’s little Groodle! Toffee is at the stage where she loves to chew on anything and everything including bark!

Toffee the groodle puppy

This is Poppy our Customer Service Supervisor Sue’s puppy. She is a Red Cattle dog and Sue is absolutely smitten with her.

poppy the puppy

Meg Low shared her picture of her puppies Frankie with his brother, lolling about in a flower bed they possibly shouldn’t be in!

You wonder sometimes whether puppies realise just how cute and adorable they are being, don’t you? Maybe these puppies think they just another garden decoration!

puppies in the garden
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Sometimes puppies will eat your flowers, but you can’t blame them because some flowers smell so wonderful.

Puppy eating a flower in the garden
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This pup just loves to run and play in the garden! How cute is her little pink tongue? Lick!

Labrador puppy playing the garden
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Gardens with their soft green lawns are a great place for pups to take a nap after all that fun playing.

Puppy relaxing in the grass
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We love flowers and so does this West Highland White Terrier!

puppy amongst the flowers
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Sometimes dogs like taking Bird baths too!

A Labrador taking a bird abth
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Full-grown pups can be of great assistance in the garden! This Golden Retriever is an excellent hole digger!

the gardening dog
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A Pot plant or a Dog Bed?

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Sometimes you have to stop and smell the flowers!

Puppy smelling the flowers
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This Sausage dog loves spending his time helping his owner plant veggies in the garden.

sausage dog and vegetable;e patch
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Spot the Puppy! Peekaboo!

can you spot the puppy
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Not to mention the kids love playing with their puppy!

child and puppy
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The pups can help your plants grow in unique ways. However, our love for puppies and gardens are endless! Don’t have a grassy area, no problem? Just grow your own grass in a kiddy pool, what a great idea!

kid pool garden puppy
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We care about Australia and the planet

We're always pushing to do better for the environment and have committed to building partnerships to help protect and rejuvenate Australian flora and fauna while we cultivate a better world with our sustainability efforts