Selecting A Succulent

Selecting A Succulent


Succulent plants are always in style. With juicy leaves, stems or roots, succulents form a vast and diverse group of plants, offering easy-care choices for your home. Plus, they look stunning planted alone or as companions. So which are you going to pick?

Mixture of coloured cacti in a blue dish - Selecting Succulents
  • Full sun/part shade
  • Drought tolerant
  • Not suitable for full shade
  • Do not over water
  • Use good quality cactus potting mix
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera Plant - Selecting Succulents
  • 8-10 hours of sunshine a day
  • Like to dry out between watering
  • Happy to be pot bound
  • Do not over water
  • Dislike cold climates
Mixed colour echeverias in a giant clam shell - Selecting Succulents
  • Full Sun
  • Like to dry out between watering
  • Like indoor or outdoor desert conditions
  • Do not over water
  • Don't disturb too much as their leaves are delicate & will fall off
Haworthia Fasciata
Haworthia Fasciata in a pot - selecting succulents
  • Also known as Zebra plant
  • Requires bright light but not direct sunlight
  • Like to dry out between watering
  • Like living indoors in a pot
  • Leave turning white is a sign of too much sun
Ghost Plants
Ghost Plant in the soil - Selecting Succulents
  • These change colour based on the amount of sunshine they receive.
  • Like full sun but don't mind partial shade
  • Like to dry out between watering
  • Like indoor or outdoor desert conditions
  • Don't disturb too much as their leaves are delicate & will fall off
  • Dislike cold climates
Burro's Tail
Burro's Tail - Selecting Succulents
  • Like sunny positions
  • Like to be kept dry-ish
  • Indoor or outdoor
  • The require tall or hanging containers
  • Don't disturb too much as their leaves are delicate & will fall off
Lithops aka living stones - selecting succulents
  • Like lots of sunlight
  • Like indoor or outdoor desert conditions
  • Will suffer greatly from overwatering
  • Happy to be kept in a pot
  • Very small so take up very little space
Ponytail Palm
Ponytail palm - Beaucarnea recurvata - selecting succulents
  • Not a palm at all, it's related to the agave
  • Like to dry out between watering
  • Like low humidity
  • Like high, direct sunlight but will survive medium
  • Like hot or medium temperatures
Snake Plant
Snake Plant in a pot - selecting succulents
  • Like to dry out between watering
  • Like indoor or outdoor dry shady areas
  • Happy to be pot bound
  • Happy in low light, dislikes high light levels
  • Dislike being too wet

There are so many more succulents to choose from we just couldn't feature them all! There really is a succulent for everyone. Which are your favourite? Let us know in the comments.

Happy Growing!

N.B. This article has been written for Australian gardens. If you're reading this from around the world, we do hope you've found it a useful stepping stone for your own further research.

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