• 12mm to 18mm* Converter

    12mm to 18mm* Converter

    Allows you to join a standard 12mm hose to an industrial 18mm hose

    Item: 2595-WG

  • Commercial
    Light green 18 millimetre Universal Tap Connector resting mossy stone with green leaves above
    18mm* Universal Tap Connector

    18mm* Universal Tap Connector

    Universal fit to suit any tap. *Suits Industrial sized 18mm hoses only

    Item: 2530C

  • Commercial
    Light green 18 millimetre Universal Tap Connector and Hose End Connector, connecting dark green hose to a brass outdoor tap which is mounted on a white wooden post in a garden.
    18mm* Tap to Hose Connector Set

    18mm* Tap to Hose Connector Set

    Experience a watertight connection that won't burst. *Suits Industrial sized 18mm hoses only

    Item: 2520C

  • Commercial
    18mm commercial size green hose accessory connector with swivel placed on a wall next to cream flowers
    18mm* Accessory Connector with Swivel

    18mm* Accessory Connector with Swivel

    Ideal for use with hand sprayers. *Suits Industrial sized 18mm hoses only

    Item: 2571C

  • Commercial
    Two light green 18 millimetre Hose End Connectors joining a dark green hose laying across sandstone bricks with white daisies around.
    18mm* Hose Joiner Set

    18mm* Hose Joiner Set

    Guaranteed to NEVER burst off your hose! *Suits Industrial sized 18mm hoses only

    Item: 2540C

  • Commercial
    Light Green Accessory Connector and Hose End Connector standing upright on brown marbled stone step.
    18mm* Hose to Accessory Connector Set

    18mm* Hose to Accessory Connector Set

    Experience a watertight connection that won't burst. *Suits Industrial sized 18mm hoses only

    Item: 2560C

    On Sale
  • Commercial
    Light green 18 millimetre Accessory Connector resting on light brown stone step.
    18mm* Accessory Connector

    18mm* Accessory Connector

    Connects to most spray guns, sprinklers and accessories. *Suits Industrial sized 18mm hoses only

    Item: 2570C

  • Commercial
    Light green 18 millimetre Hose End Connector laying on weathered brick pavers with small white daisies above
    18mm* Hose End Connector

    18mm* Hose End Connector

    Guaranteed to NEVER burst off your hose! *Suits Industrial sized 18mm hoses only

    Item: 2550C
